Tuesday, February 3, 2009

No Nursery Vacancy in Delhi

Nearly 1.75 lakh children couldn’t get admission into nursery schools this year. It is due to the over population and shortage of schools. The mismatch between population and the availability of infrastructure creates a massive problem. Taking advantage of this gap, government officials, politicians and private players milk enormous money from the admission-seeking parents. Although Delhi is well established in the quality and quantity of education the future looks dim due to the heavy shortfall in the availability of seats. From nursery schools to universities there is a heavy shortage. Apart from the 14 million Delhi population there is a massive migration of students from Northern and Northern eastern states. This is bound to increase multifold with the better transport facilities available now. It can be controlled only by providing good social facilities like education and other infrastructure in the big migration states.

According to S.K. Bhattacharaya, chairman of School Action Committee: “government recognized private schools received over four lakh applications this year and approximately 1.75 lakh children were left out. The demand is far more than supply and thus those left out generally opt for playschools.”

Parents blame autonomous points system for the mess up in the nursery school admissions. Few brand names like DPS, Apeejay, Vasant Valley, Amity there is a big push and pull for the nursery school seats. Priyanshi Kapoor of New Friends Colony shuttled between her home and 15 different schools in south Delhi for her child’s admission She says “The admission procedure in schools is hardly transparent. My daughter couldn’t get through in the school where my husband and I scored alumni points. The entire nursery admission procedure has been a nightmare for us”

Schools give their own reasons for rejecting certain children. One of the hidden agenda of the school management during admission process is nepotism and highhanded corruption. Those in the high level of the school management are much sought after people in the capital. They use their clout to make substantial money in this time period. Transparency International should look into the amount of money changing hands in this huge corruption area.

One of the west Delhi principal says, “We look for a particular set of parents. For instance, children of businessmen don’t get enough points. In the admission process as many schools often prefer parents from the service class. It is seen that businessmen do not value education much ad it affects our results,”. This may sound reasonable but bribery can take the genuine sheen out of Delhi school admissions.

How many students can be accommodated in 1,976 private schools? The meager number of private schools create stampede. Even poor families want to send their children to private schools as they think that the government schools are not good for the children’s overall development. Those who cannot afford three square meals only opt for government schools.

The Delhi government has been constantly striving to develop the education in the capital. An extreme level of politics played by the public representatives and bureaucrats has been destroying the education. Now the challenge is to increase the number of schools in partnership with private and civil society organizations. Reducing the migration is another Himalayan challenge. All the neighborhood areas should have schools and the children must be encouraged to attend only their neighborhood schools. The biggest challenge for the government is to divert the public craze from private schools to sarkari ones. Before doing that it must give high quality education and better facilities. This is the most urgent work for Delhi government for now and in the future.

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