Everyone is in a hurry. No one knows where they are heading. This speed breaker free world is dangerous. Money, career, achievements, promotions ----- there is no end to the human desires. But at the end of the day those high end chasers are not happy. They are anywhere and everywhere but without happiness. After the recession they have added financial worry to their kitty of troubles. Are we in the right direction?
Sadhu Vishwamurtidas writes in The Times of India (17.2.2009 p.20)“ The best of countries and corporations are so because they have the best of budgets. Hence the concern over the national budget. However, if people spent as much time worrying about their domestic budget as they did about the national one, globally, things would be different. How many focus inwards to analyse how exactly they have budgeted their own hard-earned money.
Many of us continue to spend well beyond our income, inviting debts. Bhagwan Swaminarayan advises in his Shikshapatri, “One should keep a daily record of one’s expenditure and income and should always live within one’s means. All of us, rich or poor, should give something to charity”.
Still fewer people have worked out a ‘life’ budget for themselves. A life budget includes committing time to self, family, society and God. The lives of those who do this get enriched not just financially, but also socially and spiritually.
Many corporate executives invest all their time and effort in pursuing their careers and climbing the professional ladder. It is at all worthwhile? Most discover that their victory is empty and that they won it at an irreparable loss to their health, family and psyche, incurring obesity, heart disease and fatigue on the physiological front; separated spouse, estranged children and uncared-for-parents on the familial front; frustration, depression and stress on the physio-psychological front.
In many societies, this phenomenon has resulted in a tragic burgeoning of societies and cardiovascular and cancer-related deaths. The Royal bank of Canada devoted one of its monthly letters to this problem with the title, “Let’s Slow Down’, “we are victims of mounting tensions”, it enunciated. “We have difficulty relaxing: we are not living fully”.
For many in India too, life has taken on these contours, and living it is rather like going downhill in a truck without brakes. But it is still not too late. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that stress will be the Number One killer in the world by 2020. And stress is usually nothing more than an individual’s failure to balance his lifestyle.
Living life is a healthy manner and living it fully means we have to maintain regular food habits and follow a sensible diet, regular exercise and rest, going out with family, working for charity and spending some time in reflection, mediation and prayer.
There is only one way to survive overwork or burnout. Be brave and bailout or you will be a loser. Life’s rat race only produces losers. It has no winners. Even if it does, the winner is still a rat. And usually a very large one.
A sage asked a prosperous king, “If you were about to die of thirst and starvation and someone offered you a glass of water and a loaf of bread in exchange for your wealth and kingdom, would you give them to him?” “of course I would”, replied the king. “Anybody would”. “then why”, asked the sage, “have you wasted your entire life amassing all this land and wealth when they are worth no more to you than a glass of water and a loaf of bread?”
Human life is priceless. God has bequeathed this limitless treasure trove to all. And as diversification is one of the secrets to successful investment, so is it the secret to a joyous and blessed life. Reach into your soul, and reach out to your family, society and God. Budget well.
Fast driving on the lifeway without control over the vehicle amounts to suicidal attempt. No one’s live is a straight line. Ups and downs are normal. There is no prediction or forecast which can help us to avoid. Crisis and cyclone can come without prior warning. Knowing this one should slow down and take time out to read the bold signals on the sides. Calm going can help to get rid of the bad consequences and make life happy for all.
Sadhu Vishwamurtidas writes in The Times of India (17.2.2009 p.20)“ The best of countries and corporations are so because they have the best of budgets. Hence the concern over the national budget. However, if people spent as much time worrying about their domestic budget as they did about the national one, globally, things would be different. How many focus inwards to analyse how exactly they have budgeted their own hard-earned money.
Many of us continue to spend well beyond our income, inviting debts. Bhagwan Swaminarayan advises in his Shikshapatri, “One should keep a daily record of one’s expenditure and income and should always live within one’s means. All of us, rich or poor, should give something to charity”.
Still fewer people have worked out a ‘life’ budget for themselves. A life budget includes committing time to self, family, society and God. The lives of those who do this get enriched not just financially, but also socially and spiritually.
Many corporate executives invest all their time and effort in pursuing their careers and climbing the professional ladder. It is at all worthwhile? Most discover that their victory is empty and that they won it at an irreparable loss to their health, family and psyche, incurring obesity, heart disease and fatigue on the physiological front; separated spouse, estranged children and uncared-for-parents on the familial front; frustration, depression and stress on the physio-psychological front.
In many societies, this phenomenon has resulted in a tragic burgeoning of societies and cardiovascular and cancer-related deaths. The Royal bank of Canada devoted one of its monthly letters to this problem with the title, “Let’s Slow Down’, “we are victims of mounting tensions”, it enunciated. “We have difficulty relaxing: we are not living fully”.
For many in India too, life has taken on these contours, and living it is rather like going downhill in a truck without brakes. But it is still not too late. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that stress will be the Number One killer in the world by 2020. And stress is usually nothing more than an individual’s failure to balance his lifestyle.
Living life is a healthy manner and living it fully means we have to maintain regular food habits and follow a sensible diet, regular exercise and rest, going out with family, working for charity and spending some time in reflection, mediation and prayer.
There is only one way to survive overwork or burnout. Be brave and bailout or you will be a loser. Life’s rat race only produces losers. It has no winners. Even if it does, the winner is still a rat. And usually a very large one.
A sage asked a prosperous king, “If you were about to die of thirst and starvation and someone offered you a glass of water and a loaf of bread in exchange for your wealth and kingdom, would you give them to him?” “of course I would”, replied the king. “Anybody would”. “then why”, asked the sage, “have you wasted your entire life amassing all this land and wealth when they are worth no more to you than a glass of water and a loaf of bread?”
Human life is priceless. God has bequeathed this limitless treasure trove to all. And as diversification is one of the secrets to successful investment, so is it the secret to a joyous and blessed life. Reach into your soul, and reach out to your family, society and God. Budget well.
Fast driving on the lifeway without control over the vehicle amounts to suicidal attempt. No one’s live is a straight line. Ups and downs are normal. There is no prediction or forecast which can help us to avoid. Crisis and cyclone can come without prior warning. Knowing this one should slow down and take time out to read the bold signals on the sides. Calm going can help to get rid of the bad consequences and make life happy for all.
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